This post title may seem a bit of an oxymoron--that is if you have ever had a baby. (Joe and I have been trying for another baby for quite awhile. Doctors, hormones, tests..."It is impossible--you cannot get pregnant right now when your LFH and SFH levels are low and almost the same," we were told by a fertility/hormone specialist at the beginning of August).
So, perhaps I overcompensated...At the beginning of this new school year, I am not sure what inspired me to sign up for so much (Back to School Mania?): The
Art Start Mom for Hannah
and Rebekah's classes, a weekly "
Reading Mother"volunteer in Jonathan's class (I thought this was a one time come and read event),
room-mother for one holiday per child, per class, etc.
At this same time I was asked to speak on Egypt to all the Sixth Grades (Dress ups, alabaster, papyrus, figs/dates/and humus, etc). Shortly after I was asked to speak about serving a mission to Finland to the Achievement Day Girls (Pictures, souvenirs, tastes of the country, etc). I am (was) the first name in our area to answer
LLL (breastfeeding calls), sometimes over three hours worth of calls to new parents with "problems" a day, attend leader applicant meetings, teach monthly (free) breastfeeding classes in the community, etc!
morning after Back to School Night, the pregnancy test came back positive.
Positive? But it was "
impossible" for me to conceive! (Apparently, the word impossible does not mean
totally impossible and the Lord works in mysterious ways and has a healthy sense of humor).
Then comes that sneaky little cold...which turned into a blazing sinus infection, and then went to my chest! Smoldering fever, hacking coughs, green snot, (you get the picture) for several weeks. Oh, did I mention First Trimester NAUSEA made ten times worse by post nasal drip and thick mucus.
Having made it past the first trimester, we want to announce our pregnancy. I am due in
April 2010. If any of my odd blogs have thrown you for a loop lately, forgive me. I am nauseated, sleep deprived and try to find--balance.