Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Taco Beard, Snowmen, and Pickled Herring

Liam is quite a ham. This Sunday he bite his tortilla into this beard, goofy guy! 

Here he is with he and Eva's snowmen (before they melt away). 

He loves (?) pickled herring lemon pepper flavor. Who knew?! 

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

24 hr Snow Fun!

Yesterday, we had another scattering (smattering?) of snowflurries.  
I asked Liam what it was falling from the sky and he looked at me blankly and said,"Hmm...Not know!?" Snow! (Last year he simply called it "(sn)No!").  We went outside to catch flakes on our tongues and sing the Lemondrop song to which he was really happy until one landed in his eye.  "Not eyes! NO (snow in my) eye!"
 This morning, we had a small amount of snow on the ground.  (It will be melted by noon).  Playing along with the "Mom, I just want to play outside two minutes, just two minutes!" almost two hours of prep and after snow has yielded the following pictures:

Happy and dry--Pre-snow.

Quick--snow angels!

"Mooommm, I'm eat-ting SN-oo-w!"
Knock, Knock. "Look, Mom! Tiniest  snow-man ever!"
Knock, Knock. "Look, Mom! Come outside. Come outside. Come see.! (Dick and Jane?) My snow-man! (Drawing)"

After ten minutes of snow"fun."

Runny nose?!

"Help, Mom!"

Cold "paddies" and lost mittens.

Update: Ten minutes after posting this the the front yard (10:13 a.m.)  Sorry Kids.!  "Snow day"over well before noon.  Thankfully, I told Susie "no" when asked if she could wear her snowsuit to school!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015